Can anyone stop that pickle?

A large pickle escapes from the jar at a deli preferring not to be eaten. It Stop that Pickleruns as fast as it can while being chased by a variety of food. Will anyone be able to stop that pickle?

Find out on Wednesday, April 9 when we read Stop That Pickle by Peter Armour. Then have fun in the galleries afterward when you try to find the pickle in your very own scavenger hunt.

Do you love pickles?

Did you know that pickles are a good alternative to chips and high-calorie sweets? The USDA says 1/8th of a cup of pickles counts as one of the five recommended daily servings of fruits and vegetables.

Try a cool, refreshing pickle pop. Make them by chilling large, juicy dill pickles and skewering them with ice cream sticks. It’s a tangy, fun snack that’s long on flavor and short on calories or fat.
